Entire site © 2011 by Claudia Dante, Jade and Dreamcraft. All artwork by Jade. Unauthorized use is unlawful — please respect copyright. Site designed and powered by DreamCraft.

I'm Claudia Dante -- I've been lurking in the background for some years, reading m/m and romance while working on numerous projects of my own and plucking up the courage to try "going pro." It all started with a chance encounter with Mel Keegan, via MK's blog ... a chance remark that ole Claudia was a writer too.

So here I am, with my first book -- and I'm indebted to Jade for working with me, giving me a fantastic cover, and a launch in the busiest marketplaces on the web!

As I write this, we're heading into winter in my neck of the woods. I live in Anchorage. As in, Alaska. I call my blog "Hot Artctic Nights," because ... what do you think I do to pass away winter evenings, when it's below zero and there's three feet of snow right outside the window?

Alas, I don't Facebook, and I don't Tweet, because I'm a very private person and I don't have unlimited time to chat. But Jade has talked me into blogging, and I've made a start. I'll keep up with it, and will share info about my upcoming books as I go along.

Right now, I'm thrilled that my first one is on the launching pad ... and I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for visiting these pages!
About Claudia Dante
Available titles
Coming soon

My blog

My wikipage
My Amazon Page - link coming soon

Riding Shotgun: $3.99
